Anirudh Viral Video is a Fake: A scandal video in the name of Tamil music composer Anirudh Ravichander has been roaming in the WhatsApp and social media networks from 24th January morning. The video gave a big shock to Anirudh fans as the man in that scandal video looked like Kolaveri Di fame Anirudh Ravichander, none other than our young talent.
It is a 3-minute video where the couple was romancing, and it looks like it was captured in a hotel secretly. Many people shocked on seeing this video and started expressing their opinion on Anirudh’s Viral video. But still, musician didn’t respond to this issue. It is very usual to see such scandal videos, MMS videos in the name of celebrities where many stars got caught in this fake issue.
Here are the reason why Anirudh’s viral video is a fake one and it is not him actually in that video,
- Anirudh usually has a Tattoo on his left hand, but the guy in that video don’t have any tattoo.
- Anirudh usually has a beard, but the guy in that video is a beardless.
So we request people to stop spreading rumors and stop sharing everything you see on the social networks and WhatsApp as not all of those are the true ones.
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