Your organization’s performance depends on the team’s health and well-being. Continuous conflict, poor communications, and unpredictable work culture are signs of unproductive teams. Flitz Events, team building experts help corporates break the ice among employees to enhance performance and nurture a thriving work culture.
What are team building activities?
Team building activities are fun engagements where members work together in low-risk and less stressful environments to improve work culture and relationships. Team building activities are ideal when socializing new members into the team or ice-breakers when problem-solving. Tailored team building activities can help isolate problems such as poor communication and compromised task morale.
Team building activities can be outdoor games, meetings, and field or beach events to help members communicate, strengthen or form new relationships.
Who should organize team building activities?
It is the responsibility of team managers to equip employees with rewarding work patterns and relationships. Feedback from the human resource department, hiring teams, and other leaders can point to the need for team building activities.
The Red flag that team building event is long overdue
A firm can hire Flitz Events to facilitate team building activities when teams show the following signs:
- Reduced motivation to work
- Constant lack of communication and collaboration
- Observe employees constantly disagree
- Abuse of defined role boundaries
- Unending repetitive problems
Types of team building activities
There are different types of team building activities. The manager can choose the activities depending on the goals they want the team to achieve.
- Personality-based team building approach
- Activity-based team building approach
- Skill-based team building approach
- Problem-solving team building approach
Personality-based team building activities
Your employees’ character and reaction to various circumstances depend on their personality type. Typically, there are four main personality types: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic. Each of these personality types has varying strengths and weaknesses and informs their reaction to situations at the place of work.
Personality-based team building activities help managers allocate specific roles to individuals best suited for some tasks. Introverted employees may thrive in detailed duties while extroverted personalities are ideal for presenting new ideas and engaging with people.
Activity-based team building approach
Activity-based activities push employees out of their comfort zones. Rope jumping, wall climbing, boot camps, and survival drills are challenging engagements in this category. Activity-based team building activities best work with teams dealing with mistrust and self-doubt. The rule of the game enables members to tolerate each other and build stamina and confidence.
Skill-based team building activities
Skill-based team building activities aim to develop specific abilities to help in accomplishing tasks. The manager may recommend tailored training to help members in interpersonal relationships, negotiations, public speaking, and other aptitudes relevant to their job description.
Problem-solving team building approach
What is your team’s major challenge? Problem-solving team building approach can help improve poor communication, low morale, and recurring problems. An expert helps the team members define their problems and gives practical steps to outgrow the challenge.
Team building activities are events, meetings, and fun engagements that help members cope better with challenging work-related problems. Team managers can recommend the best approach to team building activities to enhance an organization’s goals.