3D-printed robot: This Three-dimensional robot is the first Single Actuator Wave-like robot (SAW). This new robot can move forward and backward in the format of wave-like motion. It has a capable to crawl on the unstable terrains such as sand, grass, and gravel. Also, it had the power to swim, climb over the obstacle. Scroll down and watch the Video of Single Actuator Wave-like robot (SAW).
3D-printed robot
The researchers of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) in Israel has developed this new innovative three-dimensional robot. It is 5 times faster than the similar robots and it can able to climb over the obstacles on unstable terrains with the top speed of 57 centimetres per second, researchers said.
“Researchers all over the world have been trying to create a wave movement for 90 years. We succeeded by finding a simple, unique solution that enables the robot to be built in different sizes for different purposes,” said David Zarrouk from BGU.
“For example, it can be scaled up for search and rescue and maintenance, or miniaturised to a diameter of one centimetre or less to travel within the human body for medical purposes, such as imaging and biopsies of the digestive system,” he said.
The Waterproof version of this 3D-printed robot had a capable to swim at six centimetres per second.
Zarrouk says that the SAW is easy to manufacture, strong, reliable, and energy efficient, which enables long-distance travel.
Zarrouk said, “The robot requires barely any maintenance, which is very unusual for an almost completely 3D-printed prototype that is this dynamic.”
He added “I believe it will be useful for travelling through the intestine for imaging and biopsies, and for infiltrating problematic, complex security areas, such as tunnels, destroyed buildings and pipes.”
Check the Full Journal of Single actuator wave-like robot (SAW): design, modeling, and experiments.
This Journal has completed with the contribution of David Zarrouk, Moshe Mann, Nir Degani, Tal Yehuda, Nissan Jarbi, and Amotz Hess. Published 1 July 2016 on Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. Check the
The Journal Published 1 July 2016 on Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. Check the Journal Abstract here.
Watch the Video of 3D printed Single actuator wave-like robot (SAW)
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