The human body contains around 60k miles of blood vessels, which compose your blood circulatory system with the heart and muscles. These pathways transport blood to all parts of the body. However, if they become affected, the blood circulation suffers. It happens because of the lack of oxygen and nutrients in the cells. Signs of poor circulation can be numb and cold feet and hands. If you are fair, you will notice the blue color on the skin. Brittle nails, hair falls, dry skin, and many more telltales exist. People with diabetes suffer from long healing times for sores, scrapes, wounds, etc.
If you feel any problem in this area, it’s best to consult a vascular doctor. They can guide you to improve your circulation after a thorough diagnosis. Do you have pain or swelling in your legs? Did you check Center for Vascular Medicine for leg circulation treatment? You can also embrace some healthy daily practices.
Blood pressure level
High BP can harden the arteries and disrupt blood flow. It would be best to keep it within a healthy range per your age and overall health. You can buy a home-use monitor to keep track of this.
Whether you use electronic cigarettes, traditional cigarettes, or smokeless tobacco, nicotine will interfere with your artery walls and make the blood thick. Due to this, circulation will be affected. Hence, it’s wise to quit smoking.
Work desk rule
A sedentary lifestyle can be another challenge. It affects your back and blood flow. Your leg muscles will weaken due to poor circulation, leading to clotting. If you are mainly involved in a desk job, it’s better to get a standing desk. While it may take time to adjust to this setup, your blood circulation will improve. The blood from the feet will go up to the heart.
Yoga can be a good option. It helps your cells get a fair amount of oxygen with twists and turns. When you go upside-down, the body sends blood from the lower part to the heart and brain. Then activities like swimming, walking, biking, and running are also recommendable for pumping your blood. Your heart will become strong while the blood pressure stays in control. Thirty minutes of sessions for five to seven days a week can be best. If you have timing issues, you can divide exercises into smaller chunks.
Hot bath
It can be one of the most enjoyable things – a soak in warm water in the bathtub. You can open your veins and arteries with a hot water dip for smooth blood circulation.
Good blood circulation is crucial for a healthy mind and body. It gives your brain and muscles energy. Practice some daily health hygiene activities to keep your troubles at bay. Leave smoking, keep your body weight in check, indulge in low-impact physical workouts, manage your BP, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. When you do this, you can successfully avoid other complications. And yes, visiting a vascular doctor is also necessary. They will recommend tests, medicines, and other things based on your condition. Find a trustworthy clinic near your home for easy access.