Stages of Pregnancy, Baby growth, Symptoms, Books and Full guide: Each and very women‘s expectation when they are trying for the Pregnancy is their (postpone) due date of the monthly period. How the pregnancy is happening how the internal organs are helpful for the woman for their pregnancy. Scroll down to get the complete guide about Pregnancy Stages, Pregnancy Baby growth, Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs, Pregnancy Books, Pregnancy Yoga, Pregnancy Exercises, Pregnancy Workouts, Pregnancy Music and Pregnancy Mobile Apps for Games, Babies Brain Development, Pregnancy Calender and Calculator, Pregnancy Face Acne, Pregnancy Back Pain, Pregnancy Pillow.
Stages of Pregnancy
Truthfully, being pregnant is changing me as a person. Each day is part of this amazing journey that has completely shifted the focus of my life and made me reevaluate my personal and professional goals.
– Holly Madison
Here we provide you a maximum of the guide about Pregnancy in such of short. Let’s slowly scroll down and read the words.
Puberty For Girls
Puberty happens when they develop as an adult from childhood. For girls when they attain puberty their menstruation cycle starts. And this is their starting stage to be eligible for becoming pregnancy. Generally, for girls puberty begins at the age of 8-13. During this stage, their reproductive organs start developing for the fertilization
Ovulation is the first stage of the pregnancy. The Fallopian tube is the way to the uterus from the ovary. Each month ovary use to have 15–20 eggs in it from one menstrual period to another menstrual period. Among those 15-20 eggs, one ripest egg will reach the fallopian tube. There it will wait for the sperm to fertilize. In between these process, the uterus will be getting ready for the fertilized egg that means the uterus wall will thicken to hold the egg and to keep it as safe.
If the sperm succeeded in fertilization, then the formation of the baby will start in the uterus; otherwise, the thicken uterus wall and the unfertilized egg with the blood will shed, this process is called as Menstruation.
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Pregnancy Duration as Three Trimester
We all know that pregnancy duration is ten months. Those ten months also divided into three trimesters. That is, week 1-12 are the first trimester, week 13-28 are second trimester and week 29-40 are the third trimester.
First Trimester
This stage of a baby is called as the blastocyst, in this, all internal and external organs will develop. During the first month, the size of the baby is 0.1-0.2mm and at the end of this trimester, it weights7.6-08cm. In this trimester baby’s all the organs would be formed and begins to function. It’s hard to find out the baby’s gender at this trimester. As per the experienced experts’ advice, this period is danger which may lead to miscarriage. So would be mothers try to be safe at this stage.
Second Trimester
In this stage hair would appear on the baby’s body. The fluid which is called as Vernix
Would be on baby’s skin to protect it. Eyes start blinking.At the end of this trimester, the baby weighs 669g. Baby’s bone harden at this stage. Sensory development starts taking place at this time. The very important new feel to would be a mother at this stage is realizing the baby’s movement and kicking. And now the baby can hear and listen the sounds. So the mom should enjoy listening to the music which should relax the mind.
Third Trimester
All the organ systems are completing their development for birth. Mom’s antibodies pass through the placenta to develop the immunity of baby. Baby can differentiate his family members’ voice. When the baby becomes around 20 inches long, his head downs for the birth. Once in three hours, the amniotic fluid will be replaced, even during the labor. Approximately the baby would be 51 cm long and weighs 2.5-3.5kg during his birth.
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Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs
For the initial symptoms, that mean on the first one to two weeks signs for initial pregnancy signs. Here below we give you some Pregnancy symptoms, if it is of yours, then it is a sign for pregnant.
- Tender, swollen breasts
- Morning sickness with or without vomiting
- Urinating more than usual
- Fatigue – make you feel sleepy
- Food cravings
- Small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding
- Unusually emotional and weepy
- Feeling yourself as light headed dizzy and weak
- Cause your digestive system – Constipation
So, if you miss the period and notice some of the signs that were given above mean, better you might want to take the home pregnancy test. Learn about Home pregnancy test and how to do that in the following guide.
Pregnancy Test from Home
You can take the pregnancy test from home by using the home pregnancy test. You have a question such as “When should I test?” You can take the test on three to four days before of your missing period. You should predict the missing days correctly mean, the answer should be on oppositive. In some cases, if you make the test too early, then you are more likely to look a negative result.
If your Testing device has been stored in the refrigerator mean, then wait for few minutes to warm the device to room temperature. But the device should be kept below 28-degree Celsius in the fridge.
- You can take the Pregnancy test at any time of the day. But the Morning test is most preferable.
- Tear the notch and remove the test from the pouch, then remove the cap on the test.
- Hold your test by using your thumb grip and place the tip of the test in your urine stream until it gets wet thoroughly minimum 10 seconds. OR If you comfort with this idea, you can prefer another method. Take a clean, dry bowl or container and urinate into that and by dipping the absorbent tip of the test into the urine for minimum 15 sec. of duration.
- Lay the stick flat by facing result box/window up and wait 3 minutes for the result. Then replace the cup again on the tip, if you wish.
Note: Each test is designed only for the single use
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Pregnancy Test Results
We can check whether the midstream test is working properly or not by the rose-pink color band, that will appear in the control portion of the result box/window. The actual result will be issued in that window after the complete test reaction time of 3 min.
Positive Results: If the two rose pink color bands appear in that control portion result window mean, you can assume as you are pregnant. The bands may look as in thick or also in light color, but the result is same.
Negative Results: If the color band appear as only one mean, you can assume as you are not pregnant. You can try this test again for few days if your period’s still MIA (missing in action).
Invalid Results: If the color band does not appear in the result window. Then, it is an invalid result. It is because of some mishandling while taking the test such as the urine may not saturate thoroughly. For this situation, you can take the test as again from the beginning with the proper manner as given above. If you get the invalid result even after the second test, then repeating this test as per given instruction on above for few days with new BFP Pregnancy Test.
Pregnancy Calculator and Pregnancy Calender
The Pregnancy Calculator, Calender, and Due date all the terms represented the same meaning. Whereas, the Pregnancy due date is calculated by adding 280 days from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. All the Pregnancy calculator on online will give you only the estimated due date for delivery. A normal pregnancy can happen only between the weeks of 38 and 42.
How to Choose the Pregnancy Pillow
Pregnancy Pillow makes the pregnant women’s sleep as well. So, it is one of the essential things for pregnancy ladies. It’s all based on your selection that means you are the only person who selects the suitable one for you. Here we give you some details about the features that you should take as an important thing while you buy the Pregnancy Pillow.
Based on the Design: It should be suitable for you with all the comfortable position. Some of the women face little difficulty on their shoulders or some with back pain. So you should select the pillow bassed on the affected area. Mostly, the pregnancy women should sleep on her left side, and it is highly preferred if you crossed 21 weeks. So you need to focus this feature while you purchase the pillow.
Based on Material: Yup..! Most of the women’s need velvet soft pillows for their comfort, and it makes some particular kind of feel while on sleep. You are right! Yes, but, you need to note all the following keys about the material.
- It should be soft and safe for the skin and also, It should be enclosed with high quality.
- The Pillow should be made of organic material.
- It should have a removable cover and which can be washable.
- Most important, the pillow should not contain any allergen.
Based on Flexibility and size: As it should be flexible on all of your different positions and the size of the pillow relies on the user who feels uncomfortable in their usual sleeping position such as back, shoulder, legs, and neck.
Types of Pregnancy Pillow
Actually, in the market, you can see many types of pregnancy body pillows such as Custom-fit Full Body Pillow, Pregnancy Wedge Pillows, Side Pillow, Neck Support Pillow and Back Support Pillow.
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The Top 10 Pregnancy Books
Are you going to buy Pregnancy book? It is one of the amazing wonders of the world is Women’s Pregnancy and Beautiful Baby. We are focusing on our babies health as well as knowledge from beginning itself. Here it is listed some Top 10 books to make your time as best. Let’s take a view below:
- My Pregnancy 2015 by Dr. Joanna Girling and Pippa Nightingale
- Preparing for a Healthy Baby by Kendis Moore Drake
- Pregnancy: The Mothers’ Answer Book by A Sorority of Mothers
- The Baby Bump: 100s of Secrets to Surviving those 9 Long Months by Carley Roney
- The Girlfriend’s Guide by Vicki Iovine
- The Diaper Diaries: The Real Poop on a New Mom’s First Year by Cynthia L. Copeland
- Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy
- The Mother of All Pregnancy Books by Ann Douglas
- The Pregnancy Countdown Book: Nine Months of Practical Tips, Useful Advice, and Uncensored Truths by Susan Magee
- What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff
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